What is the Land titling act in Andhra Pradesh? Key facts

What is the Land titling act in Andhra Pradesh? Key facts

Land Titling act is an act that enacts the framework or process that governs the land registration process and defining its ownership and boundaries.

Rules under the Land Titling act varies country to country , region to region or state to state.

What is the Land Titling Act in Andhra Pradesh

This Land Titling act of Andhra Pradesh includes recording of Title for all the concerned immovable properties in the state.

The government would appoint Authority in the notified areas to survey and record the title or ownership of the lands.

The government also shall appoint an officer called ‘Title Registration Officer’ who shall exercise his powers and authorise the Land Titling process.

A proper record of title over each immovable property in the notified area , a  record of charges and covenants and the record of disputes shall be made as per the guidelines issued under this act.

Why is the opposition blaming the government on this act

The major concern being raised by the opposition in the state of Andhra Pradesh is on the below part of the act.

– Issuance of xerox copies to the owners of land post land title record

– Disputed lands might end up in the wrong hands

– Appointment of ‘Title Registration Officer’ as the sole authority to Authorize the records and he/she shall be appointed by the government. This may lead to the corruption as mentioned by the opposition.

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