Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme Timelines For 2022-23 Academic Year

Jagananna Vidya Deevena Scheme Timelines  For 2022-23 Academic Year

Government indicated that the first quarter fee under Jagananna Vidya Deevena for 2022-23 academic year will be released by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on Feb 28, 2023

As a part of the preparedness for the event, revised schedule for the preparatory activities to be completed by various stakeholders in implementation of the JVD scheme is prescribed in the table given below.

Activities at the College Level

Sl.No.ActivityAction to betaken byTimeline
1Completion of renewal and fresh registrations of students by colleges, as per admissions done so far, in case of any pendencyPrincipals of CollegesFeb 10
2Completion of bio metric authentication of students in colleges and forwarding of applications by Principals to District Officers in the portalPrincipals of CollegesFeb 12
3Completion of One Time Approval of applications by the Principals in their loginsPrincipals of CollegesFeb 15
4Entering of AISCHE/DISE codesPrincipalsFeb 10
5Entering of Attendance for all students in theportal upto December, 2022CollegesFeb 13

Activities to be completed by the DistrictWelfare Officers

1Completion of One Time Approval of applications by the District Officers in their loginsDSCWEOs/ DBCWEOs/ DTWEOs/DMWEOsFeb 15
2Completion of verification of CET allotment orders uploaded by students/ colleges for confirmation of convenor quota status–do–Feb 15
3Follow up with Universities for entering of fee for colleges where it is not fixed at the statelevelDSCWEOsFeb 15
4Follow up with COs and WEAs/WEDPSs on their prescribed dutiesAll District welfareofficers
5To follow up on applications of student studyingin Telangana/ Other State–do–

Activities to be completed by WEAs/WEDPSs

1Five steps verification of applications pending in navasakam logins in Village/Ward SecretariatsWEAs/WEDPSsFeb 15
2Display of eligible and ineligible lists of applications in the secretariats by the WEAs and WE&DPSs (for the applications verified already by the WEAs/WEDPSs and six step validation is completed)WEAs/WEDPSsFeb 8
3Serving of notices on students who are tentatively displayed as ineligibleFeb 18
4Receipt of objections from ineligible students and forwarding them with remarks of WEAs, WEDPSs in Nava Sakam login to MPDOs/Municipal CommissionersWEAs, WE&DPSsBy Feb 20
5Serving of notices to the mothers whose aadhar numbers are not mapped to their bank accounts as per status in NPCI portal and pursuing withthem to complete the seedingFeb 13

MPDOs/Municipal Commissioners

1Disposal of objections by MPDOs and MunicipalCommissionersMPDOs, M.CsBy Feb 24

By Secretariat COs/ College COs of all welfare departments

1To follow up with colleges for completion of registration of applications, bio metric authentication of students, OTAs by Principals,Attendance upto Dec monthCollege COsFeb 15
2To follow up with WEAs/WEDPSs for completion of-five steps verification of applications in nava sakam loginMonitoring serving of notices to ineligible studentsMonitoring of serving of intimations to mothers whose adhars are not linked to their bankaccounts as per NPCI portal.Secretariat COsFeb 15

Universities/ Boards

1Entering of fee by the Universities/Boards for 2022-23 in their login in jnanabhumi portal for government and aided colleges, where fee is notfixed at the state levelRegistrars of UniversitiesFeb 15

At State Level (SPMU/ Tech Team)

1Display of all applications approved by Principals in logins of District Officers without linking to CETvalidationCFSS teamFeb 8
2Completion of validation regarding convenor quota (CET validation) at the state levelCFSS teamFeb 9
3Display of latest status of NPCI for the mothers and enabling downloading of notices to mothers whose adhar is not active in NPCICFSS teamFeb 11
4Sending of alert messagesa) To students whose applications are notverified in secretariats To WEAs/WEDPSs where there is such pendency of five steps verificationTo mothers whose adhar is not active in NPCI portalTo eligible students who need to remit the previous year feesTo Principals for completion of attendance entry/ Completion of OTAsTo students for raising of grievance, if required, against their ineligible statusTo students, where bio metric authentication is pendingTo Principals where AISCHE/DISE codes are not enteredTo students studying in TS/OS and applications pending at various stagesSPMU and CFSSteamFeb 9

In case of students whose academic calendar for 2021-22 is not yet completed and as a result the renewal of their applications in jnanabhumi portal for 2022-23 is not feasible at this stage, they can register the applications as and when their new academic year for 2022-23 gets started.

For all remaining students who got admitted as fresh students for 2022-23 or old students whose applications are promoted/renewed for 2022-23 on completion of their previous academic year, their applications shall be processed fully at all levels so that they can be released the first quarter fee on Feb 28, 2023, if otherwise eligible.

All DSCWEOs are requested to communicate the schedule and instructions to all the Principals of institutions, MPDOs, Municipal Commissioners, College Coordination Officers, Secretariats Coordination Officers and through them to the WEAs and WEDPSs and ensure that no eligible student be deprived of the scheme due to delay in processing of their application.

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