The Andhra Pradesh government has recently released a GO related to the Talliki vandanam scheme, urging the users to keep aadhar card ready to avail the benefits under this scheme.
Under the Talliki vandanam scheme, each mother of the student going to school is entitled to receive 15000 Rupees annually as financial assistance. This is applicable to all the children studying from Class 1 till Class 12.
The government had announced the benefits for every child in a family. If there are more than one child in a family going school, all of them would receive 15000 rupees each. However, a few media channels have published news the other way to what the state government said. They had moulded the recent government to state the current government took u turn and it would only benefit a single child in a family under this scheme.
Pertaining to the same the government clarified the beneficiaries that it will provide assistance to all the school going children in a family and not to believe any rumours in this regard. Minister Nimmala Rama Naidu has urged the public to be vigilant on such fake news. He also warned the biased media per publishing search false news.
He stated that his government would soon release another government order with a detailed list of guidelines applicable for Talliki Vandanam scheme.

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