Talliki Vandanam Scheme (Formerly known as Amma Vodi) is a welfare scheme in Andhra Pradesh to financially assist the families sending their children to the schools and there by reducing the drop out rate. A total financial assistance of 15000 rupees shall be provided to the mother of the child currently studying between the class 1 to 12.
The government of Andhra Pradesh has issued government order addressing the beneficiaries with key updates on the scheme. It has mandated to have a valid Aadhar card in the name of student before availing the benefits under this scheme.
Below are the pre requisites to avail the benefits of Talliki Vandanam Scheme
- A Valid Aadhar card in the name of child
- For those not having valid aadhar should immediate apply for the same, Enrollment ID along with any one of the below document proof is additionally required.
- Bank passbook/post office scheme passbook copy or PAN Card or Ration Card or Voter Card or NREGA card or driving license or at least the document proof certified by gazetted officer or tahasildar on an official letter head.
- 75% Attendance is must to avail the benefits under this scheme.
Eligibility of Talliki Vandanam Scheme 2024
- ➤ Student should have valid aadhar number
- ➤ 75% of attendance is mandatory
- ➤ Family Income in Rural areas should not exceed Rs. 10000/- per month and should not exceed monthly income of 12000/- in Urban areas.
- ➤ Beneficiary family should not contain wet land(cultivable) above 3 Acres or dry land beyond 10 Acres or both combined should not be beyond 10 Acres.
- ➤ Mother or beneficiary should have white ration card and valid Aadhaar card issued by Govt.
- ➤ No person in the family should be a government employee or pensioner. Families of sanitation workers are exempted from this condition.
- ➤ Beneficiary family should not own four wheeler. (Tractor, taxi, autos are exempted from this condition).
- ➤ Electricity consumption of the family should not exceed 300 units per month during the last 12 months.
- ➤ Income tax payers or children of Income tax payers are not eligible for this scheme.
- ➤ Those having land less than 1000 sq.ft within the municipality area are eligible. (Applicable to urban areas only).
- ➤ Aadhaar card / integrated certificate should be present for date of birth verification
- ➤ Bank account of Mother or identified guardian of beneficiary is required and should be linked with Aadhaar and active
- ➤ There is no limit on the number of children availing these benefits in a given family,
Talliki Vandanam Benefits
Mother of each eligible student studying from Class 1 to Class 12 shall be credited with 15000 rupees every year. This amount will financially be helpful to the student and the family. The current government will provide the benefits to any number of children in a family and there is no upper cap.
Talliki Vandanam Status and Application
Talliki Vandanam will cover all the beneficiaries of Former government scheme Amma vodi. An official portal and app will be enabled to capture biometric of both student and mother. Eligible beneficiaries can contact welfare education assistant working in village ward secretariats, Status link will be made available soon,

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