Has YSR Asara 2024 amount credited in your accounts?

Has YSR Asara 2024 amount credited in your accounts?

YSR Asara is a loan waiver scheme in Andhra Pradesh which waives off the outstanding loan as of 11th April 2019 in five tranche for the Dwacra women in state.

Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy released the funds for the final installment  on 23rd January 2024. 6394.83 Crore Rupees loans final outstanding amount was released into the accounts of Dwacra or SHG women bank accounts.

However few beneficiaries are reporting the non receipt of amount in their accounts even after a month.

In this context we are conducting an online poll to understand if beneficiaries received the YSR Asara 2024 amount.

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Have you Received YSR ASARA 2024 Amount?

To check YSR Asara Scheme Eligibility, Status click here

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