Free Gas Cylinder in Andhra Pradesh from Diwali, check eligibility

Free Gas Cylinder in Andhra Pradesh from Diwali, check eligibility

The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh has made a key announcement pertaining to free Gas Cylinder scheme. This scheme is one of the poll bound promises by the current government.

Free Gas Cylinder in Andhra Pradesh effective from Diwali

The Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the government of Andhra Pradesh officially announced that the Free Gas Cylinder scheme shall be implemented from Diwali which falls on 1st November 2024.

He made this announcement as part of the meeting he conducted along with the NDA MLAs and leaders, he revealed the date for the implementation of a free Gas Cylinder scheme to women in the state.

About Free Gas Cylinder scheme and Benefits

The Free Gas Cylinder scheme is one of the schemes that shall be implemented as part of the Super Six Scheme in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Free Gas Cylinder scheme benefits: Under this scheme every woman per household is entitled to get three free Gas Cylinders per year.

CM addressing the meet

Free Gas Cylinder scheme Eligibility

Below is the  Eligibility criteria for the free Gas Cylinder scheme in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

✓ Beneficiary shall be native to the state of Andhra Pradesh.

✓ Shall hold a valid Rice card or White Ration card.

✓ Shall contain valid Aadhar and seeded with Gas as well as bank

More detailed guidelines shall soon be released by the government of Andhra Pradesh.

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