Vidyut Jamwal shares his naked photos from Himalayan retreat

Some movie stars celebrate their birthday with family members, friends and relatives. Others like to celebrate with their fans. Others stay away from parties and celebrations. Bollywood hero Vidyut Jammwal is one of these. He gives great importance to fitness and likes spending time in nature. In that order, he went to the Himalayas. The photos taken on the return journey were posted on social media on the occasion of his birthday. Everyone was surprised to see him naked in it. Among them, he was seen meditating in the river without a pile of yarn on his head and cooking under a tree.

“Return journey from the Himalayas. It has been a part of my life for 14 years. I spend 7-10 days here in a year. If I come out of the luxurious life and come closer to nature, I will get a chance to know about myself. Who am I? I like the process of examining my strengths. I am comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone. Can I tune into nature’s frequency? I imagine myself as an antenna that absorbs the energy of nature. Sharing happiness and love to others. That nature meditation will take me the energy I need and then come back home. Experientially one knows about solitude and the richness of nature. I am ready for a new chapter. My new movie ‘Crack’ will release on February 23, 2024,” Vidyut Jamwal said in the post.

Director Ram Gopal Varma responded to this. “He looks like a Greek god. “Salute to you” said the platform of “X”. Many netizens are expressing different opinions on Vidyut’s post.

This Bollywood hero made his debut with the Telugu film Shakti. Vidyut acted as the villain in this movie starring NTR as the hero. After that, ‘Chameleon’ came in the same combination. He became a craze in Kollywood by acting as a villain in ‘Billa 2’, ‘Tupaki’ and other movies. He acted as a hero in Hindi films like ‘The Power’, ‘Commando 2’, ‘Commando 3’.

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