Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 Day 17 Highlights: Yawar’s Game To Prove Himself

Bigg Boss Telugu Season 7 has entered into Day 17 of the game and it is quite interesting for sure. Many interesting have things have happened in the house. Yesterday we have seen Bigg Boss selecting 3 contenders for the special astra for 3 weeks immunity itself. Those three contestants are Yawar, Shobha Shetty, and Amardeep. Then Bigg Boss called the contestants one by one into the confession room, and the contestants gave their answer. Then Bigg Boss gave a twist in the tale which is showing three of them the remaining contestants confessions.

Yawar Upset With Rathika

In one of the confessions, Rathika said that Yawar is not the one who is suitable for the game. When Bigg Boss showed this to yawar.

He felt very upset in the house, He said that if others have said the same thing I wouldn’t have felt sad. But you saying that i am not worthy of the game,it’s really hurting.

Mental Endurance Task For Yawar

Then to prove his worth to the contestants, Bigg Boss gave an mental endurance for yawar. He has to keep his chin on the table of a stand and he has to remain on the stand itself until Bigg Boss tells him to get down. The remaining contestants can disturb him and do whatever they want to him to get him down from the stand. Yawar stood on the stand and closed his eyes.

Then all the contestants poured water on his head, broke eggs on his face, put saw dust on him. Put ice cubes in the back of his pants, and pour water continuously. But he didn’t move, and his endurance was the toughest one. He stood there for one hour without moving, and he won the task and he proved himself worthy to be a contender.

Shobha Vs Gautam

As Yawar proved himself worthy in the house, Then Bigg boss showed the same thing to Shobha Shetty and Amardeep in the house. Then Shobha Shetty felt very sad about Gautham’s silly allegation of not being a contender. Then she shouted at Gautam, and Gautam shouted back at her. The quarrel went till a point where they had a fight on the physicalities. Then Gautam took off his shirt, and showed his body. Gautam said that he can shout even more louder and Shobha replied back with the same thing. The pitch was high on peaks, and everybody in the house tried their best to stop them. Finally Shobha went outside to stop the nonsense, but Gautam went outside without shirt and lifting the dumbells in front of her. This provoked the intensity and the clash between the two.

But the stand out performer of the game was Yawar himself, he proved himself worthy again today and he is a sure shot tough competitor of the game. Now we have to see what games will Bigg Boss give to Shobha Shetty and Amardeep in the house. By the way Shivaji is very angry with the one who stole his power astra. Even Amardeep is up for the challenge. Let’s see what happens in the house.

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