Administration of Satavahana dynasty

Administration of Satavahana dynasty

The Satavahana dynasty was known for its well-organized administration, which was responsible for governing the vast kingdom and maintaining law and order. The king was the supreme authority in the kingdom and was assisted by a council of ministers and other officials.

The administration of the Satavahana kingdom was divided into several departments, each headed by a high-ranking official. These departments included the treasury, which was responsible for collecting taxes and managing the kingdom’s finances; the army, which was responsible for defending the kingdom and maintaining peace; and the legal system, which was responsible for administering justice.

Satavahanas mostly followed decentralized system of rule. They had also maintained good alliance with their feudatories called maharattas, mahabhojas, chutus(towards mysore), kuravamsa (kolhapur), vijayapuri (ikshvakus) etc

Satavahanas adopted many administrative values from mauryans.

Manava Dharmashastra (Manusmriti) & Kautilya’s arthashastra were core ethical literatures adopted by satavahanas for better administration and rule.

Administration Hierarchy

It is likely that the Satavahana dynasty had a hierarchical structure, with the king at the top and various classes of nobles, administrators, and commoners below him. The king was the supreme authority in the kingdom and was assisted by a council of ministers and other officials.

Below the king were the nobles, who held high positions in the government and the military. These nobles were responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining law and order in the kingdom.

Below the nobles were the administrators, who were responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom. These administrators included scribes, clerks, and other officials who handled the paperwork and record-keeping of the kingdom.

Below the administrators were the commoners, who made up the majority of the population. The commoners included farmers, artisans, and merchants, who supported the kingdom through their labor and trade.

Barring the areas owned by feudatories, empire was divided into Janapadas -> Aharas -> Nigamas {cities] or Grama [Villages ]

  • Aharas were modern districts which were headed by Amatyas and grama by gamika.
  • Towns were administered by separate bodies called nagarasabha while gramas by grama sabha.
  • Maharathi and mahabhojas were the feudatories to the satavahanas and majority were related by blood or matrimonial ties.

Administrative Departments under satavahanas

The Satavahana dynasty was known for its well-organized administration, which was responsible for governing the vast kingdom and maintaining law and order. The king was the supreme authority in the kingdom and was assisted by a council of ministers and other officials.

The administration of the Satavahana kingdom was divided into several departments, each headed by a high-ranking official. These departments included the treasury, which was responsible for collecting taxes and managing the kingdom’s finances; the army, which was responsible for defending the kingdom and maintaining peace; and the legal system, which was responsible for administering justice.

Important Officials/Positions during satavahanas include ‘Mahamatya’, ‘Viswasamatya’, ‘rajamatya’, ‘mahataraka'(chamberlian), ‘Senapati, ‘Mahabhoja’, ‘bhandagarika‘, ‘heramika, ‘Amatya’, ‘Pratihara’,’lekhaka’,’nibandakara’ etc

The main departments of the Satavahanas government included:

The Treasury Department: This department was responsible for collecting and managing the kingdom’s financial resources. It oversaw the collection of taxes and the distribution of state funds. Rajjagahaka was the name of official who collects the tax.

The Army/Military Department: This department was responsible for maintaining and training the kingdom’s military forces. It also oversaw the defense of the kingdom and the protection of its borders.

Pliny mentions the Andhra country as including many villages and 30 walled towns, and states that
its rulers had a large army of 100,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry, and 1,000 elephants.

During the rule of Satavahanas: Temporary military camp is known as Skandhavara; Stable/ Permanent military camp is known as Kataka

The Judicial Department: This department was responsible for the administration of justice within the kingdom. It oversaw the courts and the legal system, and ensured that the laws were followed and enforced.

The Public Works Department: This department was responsible for the construction and maintenance of public works such as roads, bridges, and irrigation systems.

The Cultural Department: This department was responsible for promoting and preserving the culture and traditions of the kingdom. It oversaw the arts, literature, and education.

The Satavahanas dynasty also had a well-organized bureaucracy, with officials at various levels responsible for the administration of the kingdom. The bureaucracy was hierarchical, with the king at the top, followed by nobles and officials, and then the commoners. This hierarchy allowed for efficient decision-making and allowed the government to respond quickly to the needs of the people.

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