Bigg Boss Kannada 10 No Elimination in Week 14…Instead of elimination, ‘Bigg Boss’ gave a twist.

Vinay Gowda, Tanisha Kuppanda, Karthik Mahesh, Varthuru Santhosh, Varthur, Tukali Santhosh, Namrata Gowda were nominated last week of ‘Bigg Boss’ Kannada season 10. We have seen One after the other everyone got safe. At the end of the episode only Varthur Santhosh and Tukali Santhu were left. It was said that one of them would be eliminated. But there was a twist. No one is eliminated from the house.

‘Kiccha’ Sudeep gave a twist to the elimination – No elimination

‘Kiccha’ Sudeep kept everyone safe and spoke with Tukali Santosh and Varthur Santhosh who left till the end at bottom 2. Asked the opinions of both. T Santhosh and Varthur Santhosh said, ‘We are sad. “We already knew that we would be the only ones to come to the bottom 2 position”. However Sudeep announced, ‘You two are not going out of the house now’, this saving even these two contestants and making week 14 as another no elimination week.

Why was the elimination cancelled?

During the Sankranti festival and ahead of the finale we can see only 8 contestants left in the house. If any contestant was eliminated then the strength for next two weeks would remain 7 and may not facilitate bigg boss for mid week or double elimination twists. The finale is two more weeks away and Sudeep informed that anything can happen inside the house. He also mentioned that even the contestants who are safe this week, are not safe on the basis of votes. So it looks clear that Bigg Boss is planning for unexpected twists and Elimination in coming weeks before the finale.

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