Society culture and religion under Satavahanas

The scociety during Satavahanas dynasty was culturally rich and diverse, with a mix of influences from different regions and traditions. The Satavahanas were known for their secular nature and their patronage of various religions like Vedic, Buddhism.

Social life of people during Satavahanas :

  • Satavahanas adopted paternal society , even though they respected woman and even the names of kings were prefixed with their mother names.
  • People wore short clothes and village life was simple and happy. People lived in huts
  • On the other hand , city culture was grandeur , lived even in multi storied buildings
  • Agriculture was the primary source of occupation

Different Occupations during Satavahanas:

Halika – cultivator

Kolika – weaver

Tilapsakara – Oil Extractor

Kammara – blacksmith

Shreshti – head of the trade guild

Religion under Satavahanas

Satavahana rulers were followers of the Vedic religion (Hinduism). They were evidences that they regularly performed various rituals and sacrifices. ‘Parihara’, kind of donations were given in land form to the brahmins by selling agraharas of kings(core farms)

Important fact about the satavahana rulers was they were very much tolerant towards other religions like Buddhism and Jainism. According to Jain legends, simuka , the founder of satavahana dynasty adopted Jainism.

Woman in the royal families followed Buddhism and had also made many donations to the buddhis monks. They had also constructed buddhist monasteries called viharas.

Acharya Nagarjuna , who widely considered to be the founder of the Madhyamaka, was contemporary and in the court of Yagnasri Satakarni , one of the last notable ruler of satavahanas. Thus they had also patronized Buddhism to wider extent.

The Satavahanas were known for their tolerance of different religious beliefs and practices, and they allowed people of all faiths to live and worship freely within the kingdom.

Culture and Language of Satavahanas

The Satavahanas dynasty was also home to a thriving culture of the arts and literature. The kingdom was known for its poetry, music, and dance, and it was home to a number of skilled writers, artists, and musicians. The Satavahanas were also known for their love of learning and education, and they supported the establishment of schools and universities throughout the kingdom.


Prakrit was the official language followed in royal court and the common people spoke a native language called ‘Desi’ , as per historians it is a most earliest form of Telugu.

This language was mentioned in the book “GathaSaptashati” written by Hala which was originally written in prakrit.

Desi language is also found on the coins which were bilingual , on one side with prakrit and the other side desi language.

Overall, the culture of the Satavahanas dynasty was diverse, vibrant, and culturally rich, reflecting the influence of a range of different traditions and beliefs.

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