Andhra Pradesh Gurukul Vidyalayam Sanstha is conducting admissions for classes 5,6,7,8 in schools run by the Andhra Pradesh Gurukul Vidyalayam Sanstha, first-year intermediate in junior colleges and first-year degree in degree colleges for the academic year 2025-26. The date of receipt of applications for APRS CAT-2025, APRJC & DC CET 2025 for admission will be from 01-03-2025 to 31-03-2024. Online applications can be submitted through It is to be noted that there is no possibility of further extension of the deadline.
Students will be selected through an entrance examination for the 5th class (English medium) for the academic year 2025-26 in 38 general and 12 minority Gurukul schools run by the Andhra Pradesh Gurukul Vidyalaya Sansthan (including Regional Center of Excellence Gurukul Boys’ Schools in Tadikonda, Guntur district, and Kodigenahalli, Anantapur district). School allotment will be made to those selected.
Eligibility for Admission:
Age: O.C and B.C (O.C, B.C) candidates should have been born between 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2016. S.C. and S.T. (SC,ST) candidates should have been born between 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2016.
Must have studied in classes 3 and 4 in a government or government-recognized school in the respective district for an indefinite period during the academic years 2023 – 24 & 2024-25.
O.C and B.C students must have studied in rural areas only. S.C, S.T. and minority students are eligible for admission in general/minority schools even if they studied in rural and urban areas.
Income Limit:
The annual income of the candidate’s parents/guardians (2024-25) should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- or those who have a white ration card are eligible. This rule does not apply to children of military personnel.
After checking the above qualifications and being satisfied, the candidates can apply online by paying the application fee of Rs. 100/- and submitting the basic details.
Guidelines for Applying:
a) All candidates applying for admission in General Schools and SC & ST applying in Minority Schools must have written APRS SET.
b) Candidates should visit the website to fill the applications.
c) Candidates should read the rules and regulations on the website carefully before filling the applications and fill the applications only after satisfying themselves about their eligibility.
d) After being satisfied with the eligibility criteria, the candidate should pay the fee of Rs.100/- online within the specified time by clicking/opening the fee payment link.
e) While paying the fee online, the candidate should provide the required basic details i.e. candidate’s name, date of birth, Aadhaar number, mobile number etc.
1) One mobile number should be used for one application only. The mobile number provided will be verified through OTP.
g) After payment of fee online, candidate ID will be issued. Issuance of candidate ID does not mean that the candidate has completed the online application submission. The ID. is only a confirmation of receipt of fee.
h) Before filling the online application, the candidate should be ready with a photograph of 3.5 X 4.5 cm size and signature. The photograph & signature should be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.
i) To submit the online application, click on the application form link and login with the candidate ID and date of birth. Then the online application will open.
j) While filling the online application, the class should be selected carefully. The selected class cannot be changed later.
k) No certificates are required to be submitted while submitting the online application. However, the selected candidate should be able to produce original certificates in support of the information provided in the application at the time of admission.
l) If a candidate has wrongly entered his/her caste/category in the application and is selected in another category, admission will not be granted and the caste/category will not be changed.
m) The details should be filled carefully without any errors. In case of any mistakes/wrong information submitted, the candidate will be fully responsible for the rejection of the application/admission.
n) After submitting the online application, the candidate should take a printout of the application form for further requirements.
o) In case of failure to submit the required documents at the time of admission and if he/she is found ineligible for any reason as per the rules, the application/admission of the candidate will be rejected without any notice.
Issuance of Hall Tickets & Examination:
a) Candidates can download their hall tickets from the website by clicking on the “Download Hall Ticket” link and entering their candidate ID and date of birth.
b) Candidates should download the hall tickets from the website only. No printed hall ticket will be issued to the candidate.
C) No candidate will be allowed to appear for the examination without the hall ticket.
d) Candidates must appear for the entrance examination at the examination centre indicated on the date and time mentioned on the hall ticket.
e) The entrance examination will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours with multiple choice questions for 100 marks.
The subjects, number of questions and marks to be given for the examination of the respective classes are as follows.
g) The examination question paper will be in Telugu and English medium for class 5 and Urdu and English medium for class 6. For the remaining classes, it will be in Telugu and English medium only.
h) Candidates should mark the OMR sheet with blue/black ball point pen only and follow the instructions issued. Any action against the instructions will lead to cancellation of the OMR sheet.
i) The entrance examination will be conducted at the designated examination centres in the 26 district headquarters only.
j) In case there are not enough candidates for the examination centre in the concerned district, they will be allotted to the examination centre in the adjacent district.
Important Dates:
Press Notification Date: | 01-03-2025 |
Online Application Start Date: | 01.03.2025 |
Last Date for Submission of Online Application: | 31.03.2025 |
Hall Ticket Issue Date: | 17.04.2025 |
Exam Date: | 1725-04-2025 (10 AM to 12 NOON) |
Result Publication & First Selection List Date : | 14.05.2025 |
Second Selection List Date: | 30.05.2025 |
Third Selection List Date: | 13.06.2025 |
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