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Reasoning-Missing Letters Practice test part – 1 by studybizz

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This Practice test is on Reasoning-Missing Letters Test 1 and is very much useful for all competitive exams.

Total Questions : 15 , Total Time : 15 Minutes and Pass Percentage : 30% .. ALL THE BEST!!

Created by f39666c898f6d5f8b197b7aa92d97426?s=32&d=mm&r=gsb sb


Reasoning practice test

1 / 15

1. Missing letters is a very important topic in the reasoning section. To solve these questions a student should have good creative thinking skills. It plays a major role in the government exams like SSC and banking . There are some directions to solve these types of questions with which it’s very easy to solve within a limited period of time. Directions

(Qs. 1 – 25): In the following questions, letter series are given. Some of the letters of the series are missing. To complete the pattern for the below questions you need to check with the four alternatives given. Find out the correct alternative with which the letter series completes with a meaningful pattern.

  1. M_N_QL_N_O_L_NNOQ_

2 / 15

2. _Q_PS_QR_SS_RP_

3 / 15

3. C_DB_CD_B_C_D_C

4 / 15

4. _F_PFE_F_FE_FP_

5 / 15

5. _A_LEM_P_E_APL_

6 / 15

6. _O_RER_O_E_OOR_

7 / 15

7. X_Y_Y_X_ZY_XYZ_

8 / 15

8. _W_NT_I_TWI_

9 / 15

9. _H_HIG_I_I_HIH_

10 / 15

10. K_O_E_NOE_ _N_EE

11 / 15

11. _ PE_AO _ER_ _P_ RA

12 / 15

12. _TR_TT_R_T_T_CT

13 / 15

13. _RI_NR_IO_ _R_ON

14 / 15

14. _AB_ET_BL_TA_L_

15 / 15

15. . _OR_EC_RR_ _ ORR_

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