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Arithmetic Practice test on Ages part – 1 By studybizz

This Practice test is on Arithmetic Test 1 and is very much useful for all competitive exams.

Total Questions : 15 , Total Time : 15 Minutes and Pass Percentage : 30% .. ALL THE BEST!!

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Arithmetic – Ages Practice test

1 / 15

1. One year ago, the ratio of Sravan and

Dileep’s age was 5 : 7 respectively.

After 5 years, this ratio becomes 4 : 5.

How old is Dileep (present)?

2 / 15

2. The ages of three friends are in the

ratio 5 : 8 : 11. What is the age of the

youngest friend if the sum of their ages

is 126 years?

3 / 15

3. Present ages of R and S are in the ratio

of 6 : 5 respectively. Six years ago, the

ratio of their ages was 9 : 7 respectively. What is S’s present age in years?

4 / 15

4. Ashok was born 5 years after his

father’s marriage. His mother is 6 years

younger than his father but 25 years

older than Ashok who is 15 years old.

At what age did the father get married?

5 / 15

5. If two times of the son’s age in years is

included in the mother’s age, the total

is 55 and if two times of the mother’s

age is included in the son’s age, the

total is 80. So, the Mother’s age in

years is:

6 / 15

6. The present ages of three cousins are in

proportions 2 : 6 : 9. Seven years ago,

the sum of their ages was 47. Find their

sum of squares of their present ages (in


7 / 15

7. The ratio of the present ages of two

friends is 7 : 9 and six years back, the

ratio was 5 : 7. What will be the ratio of

their ages after 11 years?

8 / 15

8. X was 9 years younger than Y 1 year

back. After 5 years, the ratio of ages of

Y and Z will be 6 : 7. The sum of the

ages of X and Z is 45 years. Find the

current age of Y. (in years)

9 / 15

9. A is 10 years older than her B. B is 15

years younger than his C. If the ratio

between the ages of A and C is 5 : 6.

What will be the age of B’s in (years)

after 7 years?

10 / 15

10. Ratio of the present ages of P and Q is

5 : 8 respectively. Ten years ago the

ratio of their ages was 1 : 2. R is 13

years younger than Q. R’s age is what

% more/ less than P’s age?

11 / 15

11. The ratio of the mother’s age to her

daughter’s age is 6 : 1. The sum of

squares of their ages is 925. The ratio

of their ages after 12 years will be:

12 / 15

12. The ratio of the present ages of A to

that of B is 3 : 2. A’s age after 5 years

will be 13 years more than the present

age of B. What is the sum of the present ages of A’s and B’s?

13 / 15

13. The present age of Rahim is five

times the present age of his daughter,

Savita. Seven years from now,

Rahim will be three times as old as

Savita. What is the present age

(in years) of Rahim?

14 / 15

14. The current ages of Sudhir and

Ashish are in the ratio 5 : 7. Twelve

years ago, the ratio of their ages was

1 : 2. What will be the age of sudhir

after five years from now?

15 / 15

15. The ages of Gyanendra and Arbind

are in the ratio 6 : 5. If the sum of

their ages is 55 years, then what will

be the ratio of their ages after seven

years from now?

Your score is

The average score is 31%


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