Indian History Practice Test on Gupta’s Empire

guptas empire

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Topic : Gupta’s Empire : గుప్తుల సామ్రాజ్యం

Total Questions: 15

Time : 15 minutes . All the Best

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guptas empire

The Gupta Empire Practice Test – Indian History

This practice test is on Indian ancient History – The Gupta Empire by studybizz

1 / 15

1. Who among the following is known as for his work on ayurveda during the Gupta period?

2 / 15

2. The silver coins issued by the Gupta’s were called ? [IAS 1997]

3 / 15

3. Which of the following was/were not the reasons for usual decline of foreign trade during the later Gupta period?

4 / 15

4. Which one of the following ports primarily handled the North India trade during the Gupta period?

5 / 15

5. Which one of the following is not true about the Gupta period?

6 / 15

6. Which one of the following is not a Gupta innovation in the field of administration?

7 / 15

7. Which one of the following Gupta kings had to face the first Huna invasion?

8 / 15

8. Which one of the following is not a feature of the society during the Gupta period?

9 / 15

9. Who among the following did not act as a check on the authority of the Gupta monarch?

10 / 15

10. Which one of the following is considered as the earliest example of a panchayatana composition in Indian temple architecture?

11 / 15

11. There are only two as known as examples of cave paintings of the Gupta period in ancient India. One of these is paintings of Ajanta caves. Where is the other surviving example of Gupta paintings? [IAS 2010]

12 / 15

12. Chandragupta II also known by his title Vikramaditya, was the first Gupta king to issue silver coins. He issued his silver coins on the model of
silver coins of

13 / 15

13. Land Revenue which was the primary source of income during Gupta period was generally fixed at __ of the produce?

14 / 15

14. The issue of a large number of gold coins(which were called dinars) during the Gupta period indicates

15 / 15

15. Which of the following statements associated with the Gupta Period is/are true in Indian History?

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