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Sachivalayam Books - Exclusive by Study Bizz Education

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SACIVAYALYAM Panchayat Secretary / Group 3 MODEL PAPERS సచివాలయం మోడల్ పేపర్స్ [10 MODEL PAPERS SET]:

[సచివాలయం మోడల్ పేపర్స్]

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Note: For More model papers subscribe to ourYouTube channel and then send mail to studybizz team email.

WARD Education and Data Processing:

[Communication skills కమ్యూనికేషన్ స్కిల్స్]

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[Computer Basics కంప్యూటర్ బేసిక్స్]

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[Computer Basics bits కంప్యూటర్ బేసిక్స్ బిట్స్]

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[Psychology MCQ సైకాలజీ]

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Fisheries :

[Fisheries and aquaculture]

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[Fisheries science]

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[Fisheries future and present scenario]

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Engineering Assistant:

[Strength of Materials స్ట్రెంత్ ఆఫ్ మెటీరియల్స్]

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[Sustainsble Development and environment protection]

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[Social Justice Rights and Freedom]

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